Developed by the Quebec government in 2016, this program gives you the opportunity to obtain energy evaluation services at an affordable price and financial assistance for your renovation work that aims to improve the energy efficiency of your home. With the Rénoclimat grant, you can get up to $650 for your renovation project. This grant provides homeowners with financial assistance.
Don’t forget that the Rénoclimat financial assistance is mainly intended for renovations that aim to improve the energy efficiency of your house, apartment building or loft. Here is an overview of the renovation projects eligible for the RénoVert program.
The sealing work consists of caulking the areas prone to air leaks to avoid, on the one hand, air ingress (cold air infiltration) and, on the other hand, heat loss (warm air exfiltration). The level of air tightness is measured during a blower door test. It is expressed in air change rate per hour. This rate is indicated in the evaluation report for your home, as well as the rate you could achieve by doing airtightness work. Financial assistance is awarded based on the level of attainment or exceedance of the air leakage reduction target indicated in your evaluation report.
Financial assistance available: $245 to $490, depending on air change rate per hour
Since March 2018, the Rénoclimat renovation financial assistance program offers financial assistance to replace the doors and windows in your home, apartment building or lofts.
Financial assistance available: $60 per opening, including doors, windows, and skylights.
Depending on the type of system, financial assistance from the Rénoclimat program may be granted for the installation of certain appliances or for the replacement of a system with a more energy-efficient model. Systems must meet standards or be certified as indicated below.
Financial assistance available: $490
Insulation of the roof, foundation and exterior walls of a home provides better resistance to the cold in winter and excessive heat in summer and maintains a comfortable indoor temperature. Adequate insulation allows for better control of energy costs related to heating and cooling. This is why various work aimed at improving the insulation of a home is eligible for the Rénoclimat program. The energy evaluation report that you will receive will indicate the most appropriate insulation work for your home.
Insulation work must be done on at least 20% of the total roof area to qualify for the grant. If the roof has more than one type (e.g., attic, cathedral ceiling, flat roof), the amount will be prorated among the types and their respective areas.
Financial assistance available: Attic, cathedral ceiling and flat roof, between $35 and $975
If you are planning to modify the exterior wall cladding of your home, take the opportunity to improve the insulation. At least 20% of the total exterior wall area (excluding party walls) must be insulated to qualify for a grant, and a different calculation method will be used for semi-detached or row houses.
Financial aid available: from $295 to $2440
The insulation work must cover at least 20% of the total surface area of the foundation walls (not including common walls) in order to be eligible for the Rénoclimat grant. When there is a basement and a crawl space, the financial assistance will be calculated in proportion to their respective surface areas. The calculation method will be different for semi-detached or row houses.
Financial aid available: Foundation with basement (Insulation of basement foundation walls and Insulation and sealing of basement rim joist), from $165 to $1625; Foundation with crawl space (Insulation of exterior walls and crawl space rim joists and Insulation of 100% of floor above crawl space), from $130 to $1300
Exposed floors are floors above a space that is usually unheated (example: floor above an unheated garage).
Financial aid available: up to $245
If you want to know more about the Rénoclimat tax credit and renovation subsidy program on Dorval, about your eligibility, about our renovation, construction and expansion services offered by Construction Précellence, we invite you to contact us by phone, by email or to come and meet us in person at our Montreal office. Our team will be pleased to welcome you and answer your questions, in order to start your renovations as soon as possible. For an estimate of costs & prices for your construction and renovation project contact us.