En tant que propriétaire, vous avez le souci d’offrir un logement de qualité à vos locataires et cela implique parfois de faire quelques travaux de rénovation. Confiez cette tâche à Construction Précellence, qui vous offre un service clé en main fait sur mesure, qui comprend également un approche unique regroupant les principaux aspects de la rénovation, soit l’architecture, le design, et la construction. Notre équipe se compose de dessinateurs, de designers d’intérieur professionnels, de spécialistes de l’architecture, de designers cuisinistes et de techniciens spécialisés (peinture, plâtre, ébénisterie, plomberie, électricité) et ira vous rencontrer chez vous afin de parler de votre projet, de faire un plan détaillé et d’établir un budget et un échéancier précis. À partir de ce moment, nous prendrons en charge l’entièreté du projet, des premiers plans en 3D jusqu’à la livraison finale du projet, en passant par l’obtention de permis de construction, des prises de mesure, et du choix des matériaux.
Despite our many years of experience in renovation, it is still difficult for us to answer this question with precision. Each project is unique and many elements can influence the price, such as the age of the building, the plumbing, the type of renovation, etc. However, here are a few examples of factors that can affect the price of your renovations.
As a general home improvement contractor, our first goal is to ensure that you are completely satisfied with the renovation of your duplex and triplex. Our extensive renovation and construction expertise also allows us to perform many small and large scale jobs. Renovations not only enhance the prestige and elegance of your home, but can also help increase its selling price.
To offer you an exceptional renovation service, Construction Précellence offers you an approach based on the use of high quality materials at the best price, on sustainable architecture and construction, on the continuous involvement of certified residential renovation specialists, but most of all, on the active participation of a specialized team. Whether you want to change the kitchen layout, put new flooring in the bathroom, expand your home office, add a built-in bookcase, add a home theater, or change the lighting in the living room, our solid team will rise to any challenge!
If you would like more information about our duplex and triplex renovation service in Repentigny, our expansion or construction services, or our prices, we invite you to contact us by email, by phone or to come and meet us at our offices in Montreal. Our team will be happy to welcome you and answer your questions in order to start your renovation project as soon as possible.